
About Us


Malaysia Consumer and Family Economy Association (MACFEA) was established as a professional association in consumer and family economics in Malaysia. MACFEA establishment from the first meeting of the Asian Consumer and Family Economic Association (ACFEA) held on 4-6 hb July 1995 in Shah Alam, Selangor. A Protem Committee represented by several members from various agencies formed has study the possible for establishing a similar association in Malaysia. As a result, on 13th August 1996, The Malaysian Consumer and Economic Association (MACFEA) was officially launched by Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Dato ‘Abu Hassan Omar.


To become a leading professional organization spearheading sustainable consumer and family economic well-being.


Improving the well-being of consumer and family economics by becoming a referral centre for quality research and publication, consultancy and educational programs using the quintuple helix approach.


  1. To promote expertise and improve professional progress in the field of consumer and family economics.

  2. To provide a medium for those interested in contributing to the economic well-being of consumers, families, and stakeholders to share their knowledge and perspectives.

  3. To encourage research in the field of consumer and family economics and disseminate information resulting from such research and assist in policy formation.

  4. To empower users towards conscientious users.

  5. To collaborate with stakeholders (consumers, industry players, researchers, and policymakers) in the natural environment to achieve the vision and objective of the association.